the Fotovender Customer Gallery plugin is used in conjunction with the Fotovender WooCommerce plugin to enable bulk uploads of images and bulk purchasing of prints.
In the admin site, navigate to Settings >> Fotovender S3 then configure the following information:
- S3 Access key
- S3 Secret key
- S3 Bucket name
- S3 Region
- S3 Path
- S3 File access
- Maximum file size
- Download ZIP API URL
- ZIP archive style
- ZIP archive sub-folder naming convention style
S3 Region:
The S3 Region is a code assigned by Amazon for each of their data centers. The Region codes are displayed in the table below:
S3 Path:
The "path" added to the URL used to store the files. The "path" will allow you to store all the images uploaded in a sub-folder in your bucket rather than at the top-most level of your bucket.