wp2print contains the Send Quote feature which makes it easy to send a price quotation to your customer. If the customer chooses to accept the price quotation sent to him via wp2print, then the quotation can be converted into an order without re-entering any data.
The video below illustrates the process of sending a price quotation:
Sending a quote to a customer can be done via the WooCommerce > Send Quote menu. This will launch a wizard that contains 3 steps:
At step 1, you select the sender of the quote (yourself) and the customer who will receive it. You can do this search by name or by email. If you would like to send a quote to someone without a user account, you can "Create new user account" on this page which create a new account for the customer:
At step 2, you will add one pr more product to the quote. For each product added, you will enter the quantity, attributes, price etc.
Once you have submitted the attributes and quantity of a product, the subtotals, and totals of the order will be automatically calculated.
After adding a product to a quote, you can then either add more product to the quote via the button Add product or you can move on to the next step via the button Continue.
At step 3, you will review the quote and you can make final entries and apply a discount to the entire quote. Finally, when you click the button Send Quote, the quote is emailed to your customer.
In the Setting > wp2print > Send Quote tab, you can configure the content of the email the customer will receive when the administrator uses the "Send Quote" function to send a quotation to the customer. These configuration fields are displayed below:
The items that can be configured are:
Item | Description |
Pay Now button text | Text label for the button in the email that the customer will click to complete the order |
Send BCC copy of quote | Email address to which a BCC copy of all quotes will be sent. This allows you to build a simple archive all all sent quotes. |
Email subject 1 | Subject for the email sent to the customer |
Email message 1 | Body of the email sent to the customer. Note that this body will contain short codes {QUOTE_DETAIL} and {PAY-NOW-LINK} |
Send mail 2 | Allows you prepare a second email to be sent to the customer. Configurable settings include Days to send mail, Email Subject, and Email Message |
Send mail 3 | Allows you prepare a third email to be sent to the customer. Configurable settings include Days to send mail, Email Subject, and Email Message |
Quote valid period | The period, in days, for which the quote sent to the customer remains valid |
Expired quote message | Message that is displayed to the customer if he attempts to complete an order for a quote that is older than the "Quote valid period" |
Custom product | This is the "dummy" product that will be used for sending "Custom quotes" which are quotes for items that are not configured as Products in wp2print. The administrator must create a new product with product type "simple" as this "dummy" product. |
Expired quote message | Message that is displayed to the customer if he attempts to complete an order for a quote that is older than the "Quote valid period" |
Create New User Email | Message to the user prompting them to create a new wp2print account with the provided credentials |
The image below displays the email received by the customer after the administrator sends a quote: