In the RapidQuote tab of the wp2print>>Settings administrative page, you can configure RapidQuote settings
Here is a list of items that can be configured:
Item | Description |
Coverage % Ranges | This refers to the percentage of ink that covers the document, a higher percentage means the document is covered by more ink |
Dimensions unit: | Choose the unit to use for the dimensions |
Enable size modification in Low-cost option pop-up: | In the window displaying the analysis of the size and content of the PDF files, choose whether the site will display a dropdown to the user that allows the user to modify the print size for each page in each PDF |
Pay Now button text: | Insert text that should appear on the button that customers will click to proceed with the payment. The could simply be "Pay Now" for example |
Email subject: | Insert the subject of the email sent to the customer after completing the RapidQuote. This could be "RapidQuote from _____ " for example |
Email message: | Insert the content of the email sent to the customer after completing the RapidQuote. You are able to use different placeholders for the technical information, which you can find below this textbox. The content should give the customer an overall confirmation along with the details and the "Pay Now" Button. You can use the following placeholders in this text {PAGE-DETAIL-MATRIX}, {TOTAL-PRICE}, {PAY-NOW-LINK}, {PROJECT-NAME}. |
File upload widget text hint | Text to be displayed on file upload widget |